Monday, July 02, 2007


POWDER RIVER SEASON FOUR has just been released (July 1) by Blackstone! They have released a season a month starting back in April - and this is it for a while with the gang in Clearmont. I am writing season 5 right now, and the two-hour feature GUNS OF POWDER RIVER is in editing, and will run on XM later this month. Also, aside from writing the PR scipts, I am reading two books (prospects for upcoming productions), writing some treatments, and we have several productions in various stages of completion, as well as upgrading our music dept. So, things are far from slow around here. How was your weekend?


Anonymous said...

Hi -
I have become a fan since I have become anew XM subscriber - I run to the car to try to listen - I schdule appointments so I will be in the car at the right times - it is a sickness I am sure.
But I have to say I was really hoping for Jenny to win the day and felt really bad to hear the response to the wire - ah well.
When will we hear season 5 on XM??
opps! 6pm got to go to the car!!!
Rhoda Mills

JR said...

Thank you for the kind words, Rhoda! GUNS OF POWDER RIVER, a feature length production, airs on XM Wed. April 9th, 2008 at 8pm EST.
The series is now discontinued. Perhaps someday we will do some more, but right now there are no plans for more episodes.