Thursday, January 18, 2007

I was very shocked, and sad, to learn this evening that this past Saturday, our good friend, Dean Spratt, suffered a massive stroke. Dean is Powder River's biggest supporter on the air, and has run every episode on his THURSDAY NIGHT PROGRAM out of Minneapolis. I've spoken with Dean many times, both in private and on the air, and he has done more to spread the word on CRT than anyone else I know. He even did a guest starring role as "Dr. Lyman" in two episodes in season 3. From what I have heard, there is most likely considerable damage to his brain, both left and right sides. If you're the praying kind, you may want to pray for him, and his wife, Carol, and their kids. He does a great show, and I hope he is one day back on the air ... and I bet he will be.

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