It's finally here! We thought we would have this one out in July, but at last we are able to offer our 226th production - GUNS OF POWDER RIVER in download format. GUNS is a feature length program, and I think fans of the show will enjoy it (hopefully even non-fans :)
Most of the cast from season one returned to Studio G for the May 26th recording session: Shane Clarke, Sam Donato (from Florida no less), Cynthia Pape, Lincoln Clark, and it was great how everyone just fell into the old characters and made everything click. Chris Snyder did an outstanding post production. We are planning to release our next Powder River feature, POWDER RIVER and the MOUNTAIN OF GOLD late this fall, with our special guest stars Rex Trailer and Sgt. Billy O'Brien! But that's later! Right now - here's GUNS OF POWDER RIVER