This TUESDAY, DEC. 18TH, John Lovering will air a Dibble episode from 2003 called THE PERFECT TREE on his RADIO THEATRE program. Originating out of Portsmouth NH, you can listen to the show on a live Internet stream.
Last night I was at the Speakeasy Stage Company in Boston to see THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD. One of our CRT Players, Andrew Glynn, had a role in it, so I wanted to check it out. He did a fantastic job, and I am looking forward to working with him in upcoming projects. That's him on the left in the picture. On the right in the same picture is David Krinitt, who played "The Cowardly Lion" in our WIZARD OF OZ series about seven years back! I didn't get to see David after the show, but I wish I had. He was great, and this was the first time I saw him on stage - before this is was always at the microphones. His performances was a
hi light. The show plays thru Dec. 30th and is well worth a visit if you are in Boston over the Christmas Season.
Speaking of upcoming projects, I am just about finished with my script for ZORRO AND THE PIRATE RAIDERS! I am hoping to get this project going in January. I haven't taped a show since GUNS OF POWDER RIVER in May!
Has everyone finished their Christmas Shopping yet? This is the first time I have done most of it by Internet.
I got my tree up though - and it's all decorated. This is the first time in seven years that I have had a tree. With the recent loss of my Dad, and my Mom gone since 2001, the holiday season is not very merry, but I am trying to just forge on and stay above water.
Other news - lets see ... I fell on some icy steps this past week; bruised my back, twisted an ankle, gashed my right arm and cut the back of my leg. Then we had that ridiculous snowstorm where everyone hit the panic button and clogged the roads so the plows couldn't get through, and it took me five and half hours to get home in a trip that normally takes 75 minutes. What did I do when I got home??
We'll see about that!