Our new audio book division of CRT, called Wavern Audio, is just about finished with our very first release, THE BOOK OF NONSENSE, by David Michael Slater and read by J.T. Turner - in a nutshell:
The book is ancient, ravaged and full of utter nonsense. But the moment it enters Daphna and Dexter's lives, bizarre things begin to happen. Why is their father, who found the book, suddenly so distant? Is the old man who took it from him some kind of hypnotist? Why is a giant, red-eyed boy menancing them? And what does their thirteenth birthday have to do with all this? Daphna and Dexter can't stand each other, but they'll have to work together to learn the truth about the Book of Nonsense - before their lives come apart completely.
This is the first in a series of several books and we are very excited about producing them.
Also, we have begun recording our second book, LORENZO AND THE PIRATE, by authors by Rick and Lila Guzman. This is the latest in a series of books that follow Lorenzo Bannister through the American Revolutionary War. Read by Anastas Varinos, the book will be released on Sept. 22, and we hope to have the audio version ready at the same time.
Both of these titles will also lead off our brand new series on Sirius / XM Radio this September, airing on Saturdays with a time to be announced soon. This new series will consist only of our new audio book productions and is designed for kids in the 9-16 range (Our normal show will still be airing in our regular time slots). Of course, I'll be posting updates right here as soon as I get them.