Thursday, February 07, 2008


Yes, that's what it feels like around here with our production of Ray Bradbury's THE HALLOWEEN TREE in full swing! The show has been in post production for a while, and we are all thrilled with how it is turning out! I might even venture to say that it is possibly our best effort to date! In just a couple of weeks you'll be able to get an idea of what I'm talking about when we release a teaser for the show. With Chris Snyder working his wonders in the editing department, Jeff Gage turning out a magificent score (with three songs to boot!), and the story by the great Ray Bradbury ... who could ask for anything more? So keep checking the CRT site in the next couple of weeks .. we will post the trailer in the marquee on the home page!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Well, I have been taken out of action with the flu, since last Friday! I've been sick before, but never like this. I had to cancel Monday nights recording session for KING SOLOMON'S MINES, although we did a short 15 min. session for some re-takes that were badly needed for THE HALLOWEEN TREE, so J.T. Turner was here, did his takes, and then I did mine, and each line brought on a coughing fit to die for (I kindly waited for JT to leave before I attempted the lines). But, it's done and now editing can continue!
Feeling a little better today, and in the next couple of hours I'll see about the session scheduled for tomorrow night ... hopefully we'll get it done.