Here are the winners for our POWDER RIVER CONTEST. The names were drawn by best selling author
David Baldacci on Nov. 29th in Washington DC on Maggie Linton's COVER TO COVER show on Sirius XM Ch. 80
1st NAME DRAWN receives a print of our SEASON 2 15.5" x 24.0"poster by Jeff Hayes,and autographed by Jerry Robbins (Britt MacMasters), Derek Aalerud (Chad MacMasters), Lincoln Clark (Doc), Joseph Zamparelli (Dawes), Diane Lind (Millie), James McLean (Jacob), Marcia Friedman (Etta), and Isaac Bean (Matt). WINNER - BILL JONES
2nd NAME DRAWN receives a CD set of THE COMPLETE SEASON 1 - autographed by Jerry Robbins (Britt MacMasters) and Derek Aalerud (Chad MacMasters), and also THE GUNS OF POWDER RIVER - autographed by Lincoln Clark (Doc) and Sam Donato (Sheriff Wilkins). - WINNER - QUINN McAULEY
3rd NAME DRAWN receives the script used by Jerry Robbins (Britt MacMasters) for season 5, entitled CLEARMONT (Episode 70, 05-15), signed by Jerry Robbins, Derek Aalerud, Lincoln Clark, Joseph Zamparelli, Diane Lind, Diane Capen, Sam Donato, Cynthia Pape. - WINNER - CHARLES ANDERSON
4th NAME DRAWN receives the script entitled OUT OF THE BLUE (Episode 71,06-01), used by Jerry Robbins at the recording session for Season 6, autographed by Jerry Robbins (Britt MacMasters), Derek Aalerud (Chad MacMasters), Lincoln Clark (Doc), Joseph Zamparelli (Dawes), Diane Lind (Millie), James McLean (Jacob), Marcia Friedman (Etta), and Isaac Bean (Matt). - WINNER - DANNY MOSS
5th NAME DRAWN receives an autographed publicity still, signed by Jerry Robbins (Britt MacMasters), Derek Aalerud (Chad MacMasters), Lincoln Clark (Doc), Diane Capen (Sandy), Diane Lind (Millie), Joseph Zamparelli (Dawes), and Deniz Cordell (Clay) - WINNER RALPH MANSKER