Monday, May 21, 2007

Back to Woik

Back from NYC. Caught two shows - DEUCE Starring Angela Lansbury and Marian Seldes, and INHERIT THE WIND starring Christopher Plummer and Brian Dennehy! Both shows were great. Deuce has been pretty much universally panned by the critics, but why is it these days every play needs to be Hamlet??? The sold out house that I attended was laughing, very attentive, and lots of smiles. It was a fun show and I loved it.
"Inherit the Wind" has always been one of my favorites, and this one was incredible. Front row seats, Christopher Plummer about 5 feet away doing a scene on the steps leading up to the stage ... a great night! Got to meet Brian Dennehy afterwards, so that was cool. Dinner at Sardis ...all in all, a good trip! Now back to the writing grind. We record GUNS OF POWDER RIVER this weekend, and then on June 4th the first three episodes of Season 5. Those are the scripts I'm doing now. So - its back to woik.

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