Lot's going on! Lessee ... our production of Ray Bradbury's SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES is going to be ready this week. I should be able to let Ray hear a preview week after this, and also send it off to Blackstone. This one took much longer than I expected, and we met with some delays, but it will be worth it. Another incredible score from Jeff, and a great edit from Chris. Also ready this week, our FATHER BROWN MYSTERIES, Vol. 1 will be ready to ship off to our publishers as well! These are some really cool episodes edited by our amazingly talented 19 year old editor in Australia, Matt McLaren! The music for this series is by Kevin Mcleod, and scripted by M.J. Elliott in England; and I can't forget to mention the great J.T. Turner, who stars as Father Brown. We have been releasing them as downloads, but Blackstone will do a spiffy CD release.
GUNS OF POWDER RIVER has finished recording, and the 1st rough cut is done as well. This will go into final edit in the next couple of weeks and will be released in July.
Speaking of POWDER RIVER, Season 5 started production last week, and we taped three fun-filled episodes with Rex Trailer and Sgt. Billy O'Brien! These are going to be three of my favotie episodes - I can tell! How cool was it to see these two legends from Boston TV (and my youth) perform together again? Thanks a ton to Sam Donato who made it all happen! The episodes we taped are a little lighter after the intense ending of Season 4. These were done without most of the regular cast, since the episodes take place in California, not Wyoming - but the show returns to Clearmont for the next batch, recording soon. Season 5 will hit the air in September.
We have just upgraded our music department, and Jeff now has some brand new top of the line tools to turn out some scores like you have never before from CRT! This is VERY, VERY exciting! The first production that will boast this new sound will be THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SWIFT, which will start post-production soon.
I had my first "Live chat" with some CRT fans last night. Lots of fun!
Thats all for now. Back to the editing desk.
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