Saturday, July 11, 2009


We have two new shows just released on Audible (well, new to Audible anyway) GUNS OF POWDER RIVER from 2007, THE RIVALS (2005).

GUNS OF POWDER RIVER is a feature length production based on our western series. Two families arrive in Clearmont, determined to reach California before the snow falls. Britt, Doc, Sheriff Wilkins, and Rusty escort them through dangerous territory on the long journey.

in THE RIVALS, The idealistic Lydia Languish reads nothing but romance novels, and in doing so, believes she can only find true love in the arms of a man without wealth. Captain Jack Absolute has fallen in love with her, and pretends to be a penniless ensign to win her heart. Coming between these two lovers are some of the most extraordinary comic characters ever to grace a stage: Sir Anthony Absolute; the misspeaking Mrs. Malaprop; the fiery Irishman from Clod Hall, Sir Lucius O'Trigger; and poor Bob Acres, a country squire who finds himself with a dueling pistol in hand.

Many other CRT titles are also available on Audible, including TREASURE ISLAND, THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW, BARRYMORE, FATHER BROWN, YANKEE CLIPPER, and the entire POWDER RIVER series.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened with Charlie Chan - House without a key? Any info appreciated.